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Time for Some Action


Mark Anthony Green
Director Mark Anthony Green on set.

Mark Anthony Green tells his filmaking origin story

[Making movies] was a curiosity and something that I really wanted to do before I made a short [film] eight years ago. When I finished I was like, Cool, I'm ready to dedicate myself to getting as good as possible at this thing. For a lot of people, the answer is “When I was a kid and when I first saw The Fifth Element, it made me want to make movies.” But a calling—something that I'm genuinely devoted to and I know that it checks all the boxes and scratches every itch—it was, like, the last day of shooting my short. I was like, “Oh, this is it for me.”

I'm so grateful I had two big influences, creatively. [During] my five years at Morehouse, I learned what type of man I am. [In] my 13 years at GQ, I learned what type of art I like and what type of artist I am. So I'm sure I carry both of those things with me. —As told to Jermaine Hall

If you ever need a fashion refresh, reference a bevy of advice from Green at Gentleman's Quarterly.


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